i'zhakke kavi

Revolutionary. Fist of Rhalgr. Mother.

“The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know'. The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything.”

calvisia vitalis

Pilot. Defector. Pureblood.

"I'm the best damn pilot this side of the Dark. If it's got a place for someone to take the helm, I can fly it. Try me."

ballad heart

Bard. Gleaner. Thrillseeker.

"Life is one grand, sweet song.....so let's start the music, yeah?"

yatsukahagi no yumeko

Strategist. Gambler. General.

"Winning should be at the heart of every strategy."

saoirse byrne

Voidmage. Plague Doctor. Eldest.

"This is the water, and this is the well. Drink full, and descend."

khorijin ubir

Voidhunter. Udgan. Warden.

"I inscribe your name, I threaten you with the second death. I consume your name, and thus I kill you again in the afterlife."